Virtual VCR



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Virtual VCR :- Timed Captures

Command line Options
Virtual VCR will allow you to start a capture using the "-capture" command line option, Virtual VCR will start the capture using the default settings if started with the "-capture" command line option.

There are a number of command line options you can use with timed captures:

-capture (This will start Virtual VCR in capture mode)
-channel "X" (This will set the initial channel to X when Virtual VCR starts)
-profile "<file location and name>" (load a profile file when run)
-runfor "time in sec" (Capture for seconds and then stop capture)
-output "<file name>" (Over ride the filename)

virtualvcr.exe -capture -channel "9" -profile "c:\video\test.vcr" -output "d:\video.avi"

Setting up a timed Capture
You can use any mechanism to start Virtual VCR with the "-capture" command line option, the easiest way to do it is using the built in task Scheduler that is available in Windows.

All you have to do is create a new Scheduled Task and use the -capture command line option to get Virtual VCR to start the capture when it is run.

When scheduling timed captured it is best to use the "Insert Time Date Stamp" option, this will add the time date stamp into the file name that is created. This will allow you to easily find captured files in your capture directory, it will also allow you to schedule more than one capture using the same settings without over writing the previous capture file. This option is available under the File Tab of the Settings Dialog.

It is also a good idea to use the "Save Capture Stats" option, this will save a text file with the same name as the capture file but with .TXT appended to the end with all the capture statistics in it. This option is available under the File Tab of the Settings Dialog. Logo