Virtual VCR



Virtual VCR
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How to build Virtual VCR

What you will need:
You will need the following applications to build Virtual VCR.

  • Visual Studio 6 (with the latest service patches)
  • WinZip
  • DirectX SDK 8.1 (DX81SDK_FULL.exe)
  • Latest Virtual VCR source

Step 1 (Extract all the files)

  1. Create a directory called "Development".
  2. Open the DX81SDK_FULL.exe file with WinZip and extract the contents to the "Development" directory.
  3. Open the Virtual VCR source zip and extract the contents to the "Development" directory.

Step 2 (Compile the DirectShow BaseClasses)

Open the baseclasses.dsw file in the following directory with Visual Studio:

Build both the Debug and Release versions of the Baseclasses.

Step 3 (Build Virtual VCR)

Open the VirtualVCR.dsw in the following directory with Visual Studio:

Build either a Debug or Release version etc.

Step 4 (Build the Filters)

You may want to rebuild the filters as well, just load the DSW file in each of the filters directories and build the Release or Debug version.

To register the filter you will need to use RegSrv32.exe, it is in the system32 directory in your windows directory.

regsrv32 <filtername>.ax

The filter projects should try to run the regsrv32 as a post build command and register the filter automatically but you can still use the regsrv32.exe file to register or unregister the filters manually at any time.

Optional (Build Number Increment Macro)

You can increment the build numbers each time you build Virtual VCR by using the macro from the macro.txt file that is in the Virtual VCR source directory in Visual Studio.

You will have to cut and past the macro code from the text file to a new macro in Visual Studio, the macro will be called after each build and increment the version number in the version number resource file.

Known Issues with Building Virtual VCR

NTDLL Breakpoint:
There is a sound compression driver (msms001.vwp) that causes NTDLL to stop on a breakpoint when you run a debug build of Virtual VCR in the Visual C++ debugger. When you start the debugger you will have a breakpoint called in NTDLL. To get around this do a search for the following file (msms001.vwp) move it to a temporary directory and then start the debugger again and the breakpoint should now not be called. Logo