Packaged Filters
There are a number of Direct Show filters that come with
the Virtual VCR application, see the following page for a list
and more information.
Packaged DirectShow filters
Pre Filter Notes
It is possible to add Pre Filtering to the capture graph in Virtual
VCR, this allows you to add any installed video DirectShow filters
to the capture graph between the capture filter and the Smart
Tee filter.
This means that any filter added also effects the Preview as
well so you can see what effect the filter had to the video in
real time.
In nearly all situations it is better to do any filtering needed
after you have captured the video footage, it is possible to do
some cropping using the Video Crop DirectShow filter available
as part of the Virtual VCR but apart from that due to performance
it is best to do all filtering after the capture. If you really
need to add a filter for pre filtering then you can do so using
this feature.
Please Note:
When adding filters it is important that you know
what type of filter you are adding, if the filter can only work
on certain colour formats the intelligent connect feature of the
DirectShow architecture will add the appropriate colour converter
to your FilterGraph. This can have some disastrous effects to
performance and quality.
If you add a filter that only accepts RGB24 and the capture
format is set to YUY2, the FilterGraph will add a colour space
converted to convert from YUY2 to RGB24. This will cause performance
issues and percussion issues.
To see what filter graphed has been built connect to the running
app using GraphEdit and look for colour space converters etc.
that should not be there.